Motorcycle accidents can lead to devastating injuries; some of these can be permanent or deadly. If you or someone you love suffered injuries in a recent motorcycle crash, you can involve the at-fault party’s insurance company. However, the insurance company is never on your side and only looks out for its interests.

The amount of monetary compensation you receive following a motorcycle accident will depend upon your accident circumstances as well as the extent of your accident-related injuries.

Therefore, different motorcycle accident victims will likely recover different settlement amounts. A good settlement offer should reasonably compensate you for all your losses so that you become whole again as much as possible.

An experienced motorcycle accident attorney can aggressively negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf and fight for the monetary compensation and justice you deserve.

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Motorcycle Collision Injuries

Motorcycle Crash InjuriesMotorcyclists are particularly vulnerable in crashes, and the types of injuries they sustain can range from minor to severe, often depending on various factors such as speed, protective gear, and the nature of the accident.

Some of the most common injuries that victims suffer in motorcycle accidents include:

An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can begin the claims-filing process for you while you focus on achieving a full medical recovery.

Common Reasons Why Motorcycle Crashes Occur

Motorcycle accidents often occur due to the negligence of others on the road, highlighting the importance of responsible driving behavior.

Some of the most common causes of local motorcycle crashes include:

  • Distracted or inattentive driving
  • Failing to check mirrors and blind spots
  • Failing to yield the right-of-way
  • Driving while intoxicated (DWI)
  • Tailgating
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Improper road maintenance

Increasing awareness about these negligent behaviors, promoting responsible driving practices, and implementing stricter regulations can collectively contribute to a safer road environment for motorcyclists and reduce accidents resulting from others’ negligence.

If you suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident resulting from negligence, an experienced personal injury lawyer can promptly investigate your accident circumstances and begin the claims-filing process.

How to Prove a Motorcycle Accident Claim or Lawsuit

Successfully proving a motorcycle accident claim or lawsuit involves a comprehensive approach that combines evidence collection, legal experience, and strategic presentation.

Some of the key steps to building a strong case include:

  • Gather Evidence – Collecting evidence is crucial. This includes photographs of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and injuries. You should also obtain contact information from witnesses, gather any available surveillance footage, and promptly document injuries through medical records and photographs.
  • Accident Reports – Obtain a copy of the police report, as it often contains important details about the incident, statements from involved parties, and the responding officer’s assessment of fault.
  • Medical Records and Expert Opinions – Detailed medical records clearly depict the injuries sustained. If necessary, you should consult with medical professionals who can testify about the extent of your injuries, required treatments, and potential long-term effects. This strengthens the link between the accident and your injuries.
  • Eyewitness Testimonies – Statements from eyewitnesses can be powerful evidence. You should ensure that you have their contact information in case they need to testify during legal proceedings.
  • Accident Reconstruction – In complex cases, accident-skilled reconstructionists can recreate the events leading to the crash. This helps establish the sequence of events, contributing to a more accurate understanding of fault.
  • Maintenance Records and Inspection Reports – If mechanical failure or defective motorcycle parts contributed to your accident, obtaining maintenance records and inspection reports can support your case. This may involve consulting with automotive professionals.
  • Documenting Losses and Damages – Keep thorough records of all financial losses, including medical bills, property damage costs, and lost income. This documentation strengthens your claim for economic damages.
  • Legal Representation – Finally, you need to engage an experienced personal injury attorney specializing in motorcycle accidents to represent you during your case. A skilled attorney can guide you through the legal process, navigate complexities, negotiate with insurance companies, or represent you in court.

By carefully assembling and presenting this evidence, you can prove the legal elements of your motorcycle accident claim or lawsuit and maximize your chances of a successful outcome.

How to Know if an Insurance Company Settlement Offer Is a Good Offer

Evaluating an insurance company’s settlement offer in a motorcycle accident case is critical to ensuring fair compensation for your injuries and damages.

Some of the most important factors to consider include:

  • Lost Income – If your motorcycle accident caused you to miss work time, your settlement should address lost income. Additionally, if your injuries affect your ability to earn income in the future, your overall compensation should factor in these potential financial losses.
  • Medical Expenses and Future Costs – These damages should cover your current medical bills, ongoing treatments, and potential future medical needs.
  • Property Damage – These damages should cover all reasonable repair costs – or the fair market value if your bike is a total loss. You should consider obtaining estimates from reputable repair shops to validate the accuracy of the offered amount.
  • Pain and Suffering – Compensation for pain and suffering is subjective but essential. You should carefully consider the severity of your injuries, the effect of the injuries on your daily life, and any emotional distress resulting from your accident. Insurance companies often use various formulas to calculate non-economic damages, so you should prepare to actively negotiate this aspect (with the assistance of your attorney).

Understanding the boundaries of the insurance policy held by the at-fault driver is essential. If the offered settlement falls within these limits, you might want to accept it. Additionally, you should explore whether other avenues for compensation, such as underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage, will pay for your injuries.

Seeking legal advice is also crucial in determining the adequacy of a settlement offer. Specifically, you must consult an experienced personal injury attorney focusing on motorcycle accidents. They can assess the settlement offer’s fairness, guide you through the negotiation process, and provide insights into potential legal actions, such as a personal injury lawsuit.

An experienced lawyer can also ensure that a particular settlement offer aligns with the evidence and documentation you provided. This includes medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and other relevant information supporting your claim.

Remember that insurance companies may initially present lower offers to try and minimize their monetary payout to you. Your attorney will thoroughly assess the offer compared to your actual losses and guide you in deciding to accept or reject a settlement offer from the insurance company.

What Are Your Options if the Insurance Company Makes a Low Offer?

When an insurance company adjuster refuses to make a fair settlement offer in a motorcycle accident case, victims have legal options to pursue adequate compensation for their injuries and damages.

Here are several courses of action:

  • Demand Letter and Negotiation – Before escalating the situation, an attorney can send a detailed demand letter to the insurance company outlining the victim’s case, injuries, and requested compensation. This step often initiates negotiation discussions to reach a fair settlement without resorting to legal action.
  • Settlement conference – A settlement conference can be a less formal alternative to a court trial. A neutral third party facilitates discussions between the accident victim and the insurance company to reach a mutually agreeable resolution.
  • Filing a Lawsuit – If settlement negotiations fail, the next step is filing a lawsuit against the at-fault party. This legal action typically starts with drafting and filing a complaint outlining the victim’s claims, followed by the legal process, which may include discovery, depositions, and, eventually, a trial.
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) – Courts may encourage or require parties to participate in alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or arbitration, before proceeding to trial. This can help resolve disputes more efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • Bad Faith Claim – If there is evidence that the insurance company is acting in bad faith—such as unreasonably delaying or denying a valid claim—the victim may have grounds for a separate bad faith claim against the insurer.
  • Underinsured/Uninsured Motorist Coverage – If the at-fault party’s insurance coverage is insufficient or nonexistent, the victim can turn to their own underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage for additional compensation.
  • Trial Litigation – If all other attempts at settlement fail, the case may proceed to trial. A skilled attorney will present the evidence, question witnesses, and argue the victim’s case to secure a favorable verdict or judgment.

Seeking advice from legal professionals who focus on personal injury law – especially those experienced in motorcycle accidents – is crucial. They can assess the strength of your case, guide you through the legal process, and provide insights into the best course of action.

What Happens During Motorcycle Accident Litigation?

Motorcycle Accident LitigationA motorcycle accident case may proceed to litigation if the at-fault party’s insurance company denies fault for the accident or if the insurance company – despite ongoing negotiations – still refuses to offer reasonable settlement compensation.

During motorcycle accident litigation, a comprehensive examination of the incident takes place to determine liability, assess damages, and seek justice for the injured accident victim. The legal process unfolds in several stages, each serving a distinct purpose.

Those stages include:

  • Filing a Lawsuit – The process often begins with the injured motorcyclist, or plaintiff, filing a lawsuit against the allegedly negligent party, usually another driver. This initiates the legal proceedings, outlining the claims and damages sought.
  • Discovery Phase – Attorneys on both sides engage in the discovery phase, exchanging relevant information, documents, and evidence. This includes accident reports, medical records, bills, witness statements, and professional opinions. The goal is to comprehensively understand the case and each party’s position.
  • Depositions – During depositions, witnesses and parties involved – including the injured motorcyclist – may submit to questions under oath. This step allows the attorneys to assess the credibility of statements and gather additional details that may not have been available initially.
  • Expert Witness Testimony – Expert witnesses, such as accident reconstruction specialists or medical professionals, may provide testimony to support or challenge specific aspects of the case. Their insights can be crucial in establishing the cause of the accident, the extent of the motorcyclist’s injuries, and the effects on the motorcyclist’s life and well-being.
  • Negotiation and Mediation – Before heading to trial, the involved parties often engage in additional negotiation or mediation sessions to explore the possibility of a settlement. This can help resolve the case without needing a lengthy and costly trial.
  • Pre-trial Motions – Attorneys may file pre-trial motions to address legal issues or request specific actions from the court. This can include motions to exclude certain evidence or dismiss certain claims.
  • The Trial – If the parties do not settle, the case proceeds to trial. The trial involves presenting evidence, examining witnesses, and making legal arguments before a judge and/or jury. The plaintiff aims to prove the at-fault party’s negligence and establish the damages suffered.
  • Verdict and Appeals – The jury deliberates and reaches a verdict after trial. If either party is dissatisfied with the outcome, they may file an appeal, arguing legal errors that may have affected the decision.

In a motorcycle accident trial, the primary objective is determining responsibility and allocating compensation fairly. The process aims to provide closure for the injured motorcycle accident victim while upholding the principles of justice within the legal system.

Speak to a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Your Area Right Away

Ted Lorenz, Attorney for Motorcycle Accident

Ted R. Lorenz, Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If you recently sustained injuries in a motorcycle crash, time is of the essence. A knowledgeable motorcycle accident lawyer in your area can fight for a good settlement offer in your case by aggressively negotiating with insurance company representatives on your behalf.

If the insurance company does not compensate you fairly for your injuries, your attorney can file a lawsuit in the state court system. However, you have limited time to file a lawsuit, so you must act quickly.

Schedule your free case evaluation with a local law firm today. A trusted personal injury lawyer can advise what your claim should be worth, ensuring you do not accept less than a fair settlement. Act now to protect your future.